Courses Offered
The Course Summary Booklet
CA1048: Samskritam Sambhashana Praveshah
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CA1070: Samskritam Bhaashaa Praveshah
This course aims to cover a basic introduction (praveshaH) to the Samskritam language. The objective of this course is introduction (praveShaH) to vibhaktis (noun-cases), dhaatus, some (5) of the lakaaras (tenses).
CA1080: Samskritam Bhaashaa Parichayah
This course gives a basic familiarity (parichayaH) to the Samskritam language with a focus on avyayas, krudantas, prayoga, sarvanaamas and upasargas.
CA1090: Samskritam Vyakarana Praveshah
In this course, a basic introduction (praveShaH) of the grammar (vyAkaraNa) is given. This course focuses on proper knowledge of sandhi (conjunction) to split and join words correctly. Introduction to (some) taddhita suffixes and usage of lakaara-s is given.
CA1100: Samskritam Vyakarana Parichayah
The aim of this course is to give some familiarity (parichayaH) with the Samskritam grammar (vyAkaraNa). The focus is on the anvaya process for understanding the meaning of a given shloka in samskritam. Various varieties of samasas (compounds) in Samskritam are introduced. Proper knowledge of samasaas is necessary for understanding Samskritam literature that uses complex words and compound words. This course will help in understanding Samskritam shlokas having sandhis and samaasas as they are, without resorting to translations. Taking this course will prepare one to read shastras in their original.